Saturday, 2 January 2016

The temperature of fever and discomforts felt is a protective covering of the body

We can see so many bi-products made by the actions of our body like temperature, blood, saliva, stool, urine, etc.... if we remove most essential products required from the body, our body will defend it, feel discomfort and it will produce essential products. If we remove unwanted   products from the body, our body will not defend, never feel discomfort and never produce it.                         
      If blood is removed from the body our body will defend it, feel discomfort and it will produce blood .If we removed the temperature of fever from the body our body will defend it, feel discomfort and it will produce temperature. If we removed stool, urine, sweats, etc....  from the body, our body will not defend, never feel discomfort and never produce it.
If temperature is increased it will endanger the body, so it will expel the excess temperature from the body, if essential temperature is decreased it will also endanger the body, so the body will produce the  same  temperature as a part of life saving process. During fever the body reducing the activity of warm-sensitive neurons and increasing the activity of cold-sensitive neurons as a part of life saving process.                                                                                                                                     
   When the disease becomes  threat to life or organs,the temperature  of fever, enzymes, signals, messages  and discomforts is a protective self defense mechanism of the body. The protective covering which made by the body as a part of a life saving is not a disease. The troubles and problems caused by the cause of fever is the disease.                                                                                                      
     We can find out in reality what makes the temperature of fever and discomfort just by watching it. If it is made by the disease its aim is to destroy and if it is made by the body its aim is to protect the body. The temperature of fever and discomfort is not made by the cause of disease. The increasing of temperature, shivering, shrinking of blood vessels, etc....are not made by the disease. It is an unavoidable part of health protecting action which our body makes to form a protective covering in the body to prevent itself from the troubles and problems caused by the cause of fever.
Fever is a saver. Magic answer.
Fever is a protective  self defense mechanism of the body, When disease becomes threat to life or organs.
We can answer almost all the questions about fever with this answer. If we avoid or evade from this answer we will never get proper answer to even a single question.
The temperature of fever is to act as a saver.                                                                               

   In physical appearance, the temperature and shivering of fever is a warning signal of a disease and its action comes under protective  self defense mechanism of the body.Fever Temperature and discomfort comes under the protective covering definition.The decrease of essential temperature  to maintain life is the cause of fever. Cause of decrease of essential temperature is the actions of troubles and problems made by disease.                                                                                                             Owing to many   reasons, the essential temperature of the body may get lowered. But it cannot be reduced beyond a certain limit, since such a situation endangers life. When the temperature of the body goes down below the limit, the temperature from inside may expel outside the body and destroy the remaining temperature and may result in the loss of life. In order to avoid this dangerous situation, the defense mechanism of the body creates temperature for the body to preserve it. The temperature of fever is to act as a saver. In fever condition how much essential temperature decreased in the body, corresponding temperature is produced to generate counter balance of the decreasing essential temperature. temperature of fever like hot pot protects temperature loss of hot-water, the body might be preserving the temperature. It is this protective covering in the body like temperature of fever and discomfort being destroyed without knowing the usage about it.
Temperature decreasing symptoms and signals.                                                       
Fever patient feels the symptoms and signals of temperature  decreases. If we apply heat to the body by heat pad or hot bag, the patient will like the heat, if we apply temperature removing methods, the patient feel temperature  decreasing is the symptom of heat decreasing. Then we apply more temperature reducing methods to the body, the shrinking of skin and blood vessels is an evidence of temperature  decrease. If we reduce fever temperature , body starts to shiver-an  action-This is the warning  and signal of temperature  decreasing. If temperature  is increased, the feeling of temperature  decrease is not felt. A patient feels all the symptoms, activities, signs of temperature  decreases. The fever patient feels temperature decreasing is the symptom of temperature  decreasing itself.If the temperature  is increased, there is no technology in this world to make us feel that temperature is decreased.There is no technology in this world, which makes one cover the body and like heat when temperature is increased.
Why does our body shiver when temperature of fever increases?
Shivering of body is like an inverter used to do work most essential lights and machines in emergency due to power failure. During fever one shivers because of the lack of enough temperature in shivering area. In other words if a body have enough temperature to maintain its normal body temperature it will not shiver. The decrease of essential temperature to maintain life is the cause of shivering.
A protective covering has an ability to make other actions.
During fever sponge with water is used to reduce temperature , then shivering takes place to produce heat. Shivering is a productive action.
Why decreasing thirst,  appetite, digestion and motion when there is fever temperature increasing?
The reducing of hunger and thirst, metabolic activities, and similar changes in the body, are all due to get aside the available temperature  to preserve the body, by lessening other activities. If the defecation occurs as usual, it will further result in the loss of temperature. If food is not tasty, we will normally decrease the food – intake, which in turn will decrease defecation.
Why does a feverish person fell unconscious when there is fever temperature increasing?    
  When there is a voltage-decrease, electric gadgets got off, in order to protect the gadget. Similarly when energy level is decreased we feel dizziness and giddiness, unconsciousness, getting tired etc in order to protect the life.                                                                                                     
  Why the temperature of fever never make difficulties to the patient when there is an   increase in temperature?                                                                                                                                             The  fever  patient  never complaint about the temperature is increasing. But the patient want more heat and heat generating articles because the defense mechanism of the body creates fever temperature.
If heat is applied to a fever person, is there a chance of increasing temperature?                           
  No. The fever temperature is produced by the body as a last resort of protection of life. If the body gets more temperature, then the body stops to create fever temperature.
common basic science           
Even though now we are living with a lot of fevers with different names like Leptospira, swine flue, Chikkun Guniya,.. etc, the symptoms of fever patients have many things in common.
 All the  symptoms and signals  of hypothermia can be seen  in fever too. That means there is a common basic science behind these phenomena. 
It is commonly observed that our body shivers during cold, rainy season, hypothermia and in high fever. The decrease in the temperature affects blood circulation and to avoid this dangerous situation our body makes heat itself by shivering. The body of a feverish person shivers when he is exposed to the cold breeze of the fan. He rejects cold things and desires for having hot food items, warm clothes and stay in bed covering the body.
Result                                                                                                                                                              I have spent considerable amount of time and energy to find out the Aim and target for rise of temperature in the case of fever. My research points to one cardinal aspect namely the rise of temperature associated with fever in the body is intended to protect the body as well as the deceased organs from getting further damaged.                                                              
 Experience gained by me for more than 26 years treating persons with fever would go to show that administering heat would result in health benefits for the patient concerned resulting in reduction of body temperature. Heat could be administered in many ways.
In short when a person suffers from fever heat must be supplemented to his body. Placing vessel containing hot water in hot water would only help preserving the heat in the hot water in the vessel. Likewise the rise in temperature during the course of fever and the temperature associated thereby is intended to preserve the life and protect the body as well as the deceased segments of the body.  Any effort to take away temperature from the body would be counter-productive and could lead to catastrophic results.         Following the treatment procedure suggested herein above nobody has died, suffered any loss of consciousness or fits. But on the contrary, the patients felt better and return to normalcy within the shortest span of time.                                                                                                                Conclusion.                                                                                                                                        fever is a protective self defense mechanism of the body When disease becomes threat to life or organ. In physical appearance, the temperature and shivering of fever is a signal of a disease and its action comes under protective self defense mechanism of the body.Fever treatment should be revised according to the  protective covering of the body.To support  protective covering of the body according to the messages of the body is the real treatment for fever.Never remove this protective cover.If remove this protective cover, life or disease become dangerous.  

Is fever a Symptom?

                 We have been hearing for centuries that ‘fever is not a disease but a symptom’.  physicians say that fever is a symptom of  diseases like  flu  to cancer .The conservative fever definition, diagnosis and treatment is not based on this notion. 
Fever has never  been scientifically proved as a symptom of a disease.
What are the scientific parameters that fever require to become a symptom of a diseases?          How can we understand it? What are the scientific parameters that fever require to become a warning signal  of a diseases that may become threat to life or organs?
1.Elevated temperature or increased temperature never make  fever or   symptoms of fever.           Elevated temperature or increased temperature may  create hyper thermia                                                 Fever includes so many symptoms like  fatigue to mind and body, reduced appetite, reduced motion and indigestion, internal and external discomfort, etc., signals and actions like high temperature ,  shivering , unconscious and delirious
2.Not even a single trace of symptom definition can be seen in Fever definition and  vice versa.      Then according to which scientific basis does fever definition gets related to symptom definition?      In symptom definition, fever definition can’t be found. The elevation of  body temperature is not included in symptom definition. The main evidence which proves that fever is not a symptom of disease is symptom definition itself.
3.In the treatment for fever and fever diagnosis not even a single trace of fever definition can be seen. Increased temperature and elevated set temperature are different in its action and area. The increased body temperature is not set at the place where the temperature increased.  So method of elevated set temperature and area of elevated set temperature are also different. Increased temperature is at body, elevated set temperature is at thermostat of hypothalamus.  It is wonderful that a physician having years of  fever treatment experience  cannot understant fever treatment have no relation with fever definition and diagnosis
4.No diseases or  cause of  diseases require fever as its symptom.                                                                 If the mosquito bites its virus, bacteria, venom gets deposited in the body as a result according to  nature and  strength of  virus,  bacteria ,venom symptoms like itching, pain  and signals like colour change, inflammation, may occurred.                                                                                                            we can see the symptoms, Signals and indications of  virus, bacteria, venom  which multiple or spreading or  damages(disease)    the body before emerging  fever. Here fever emerges after days, weeks or months after the various stages of spreading of  the disease. Here fever is not required as its  symptom.                                                                                                                                                 The disease like  kala Azar, fever emerges after 6 to 8 months from when the germs  was deposited in the body. Here without fever, symptoms, Signals and indications of  disease can be seen  up to 8 months.                                                                                                                                               Patients who have flu to cancer may not have fever. In H1N1 infections 30% of patients actually had no fever.                                                                                                                                           The nature and  strength of  virus,  bacteria, venom cannot diagnosed by fever .At the same time the nature and  strength of  virus,  bacteria, venom can diagnosed by its symptoms and signals.The symptoms of virus, bacteria and venom are not based on fever.                                                       The symptom, signs and signals are shown every time if virus, bacteria and venom are present in the body to diagnosis every one. In such a situation  fever is not necessary, because fever is not seen in everyone. None of disease or cause of disease like virus,  bacteria, venom etc  requires fever as its symptom.                                                                                                                                                            If one  frightened  by  horror scene, horror dream  or  due to fear of  attack, as a result according to  nature and  strength of  fear symptoms like dread, horror, and signals like shivering, unconscious, delirious….. may occurred. here fever is not required as its  symptom. The nature and  strength of  fear cannot diagnosed by fever . At the same time the nature and  strength of  fear can diagnosed by its symptoms and signals.
5.Different cause of  diseases like virus,  bacteria, fungi, venom, horror scene, horror dream  never shows same symptoms.                                                                                                                               Its actions are different and sometimes opposite.  No similarities can be seen actions of these.     virus,  bacteria, venom, horror scene, horror dream  are the cause of fever.Same signals and symptoms cannot be seen two different opposite actions.                                                                        6.Opposite diseases never shows same symptoms.                                                                  Hypothermia is a temperature decreasing disease or  state.In hypothermia, core temperature drops below 35 °C (95 F). All the  symptoms and signals  of hypothermia can be seen  in fever too. That means there is a common basic science behind these phenomenas                                                       Modern medical science describes fever(pyrexia) as a symptom of diseases. In which temperature is increased. Actually increasing temperature and decreasing temperature is not a symptom, but signal of a disease. If hypothermia is a  temperature decreasing disease or state of threat to life or organs, then temperature increasing fever would also be a state of threat to life or organs .           
7.A Symptom has no ability to make other actions.                                                                            During fever sponge with water is used to reduce temperature, then shivering takes place to produce temperature. Shivering is heat producing action.In physical appearance shivering is warning signal of  temperature decreasing, its action is a protective self defense mechanism of the body.
8.symptom , signs and signals of disease can only be seen when there is disease.                              The symptom , signs and signals of fever are only seen at the presence of fever     
9.In a state of multi-disease conditions, if fever is caught and cured, fever  will not show the symptoms of other diseases.                                                                                                                                              A cancer patient after getting frightened develops fever. If a cancer patient consumes paracetamol to reduce pain, then the number of white blood corpocells and platelets are decreased. This will diminish the resistance power which might cause infection (which in turn causes fever).If a patient have five to six diseases and fever is caught, the symptoms of fever does not show the symptoms of any other diseases caused. In such a situation fever cured, shows symptoms of other diseases without symptoms of fever. This is another evidence to establish that fever is not a symptom of other diseases. Patients who have flu to cancer may not have fever.
10.If fever is a symptom, One symptom has no ability to make other symptoms.                               Fever makes numerous signal, symptoms and actions.
11.A symptom can never cause fatal .The temperature above 410C can causes death to an average human being.If threat to life or organs is increased it may lead to death.    
12.If fever is a symptom no treatment is required to reduce fever.                                                     Treatment is required only for disease and its cause.
13. Hypothalamus never increase the level of a symptom.                                                                 14.Fever is a warning signal of a disease, consevative  treatment  to remove warning signal of a disease is dangerous.            Conservative fever treatment  like sponging , anti pyretic medicines to remove warning signal of a disease is dangerous.The temperature of fever is not a part of symptom of disease.
Conclusion                                                                                                                                          No diseases or cause of diseases require fever as its symptom. Opposite diseases or  different cause of  diseases like virus,  bacteria, fungii, venom, horror scene, horror dream  never shows same symptoms. When the disease becomes threat to life or organs,the temperature  of fever is a signal of a disease. Fever treatment should be revised according to the  warning signal of a disease.  Those one who do not know the difference between disease, cause of disease and symptoms of diseases,signal of disease  believes that fever is a symptoms of a disease.
In early days of my discovery I thought that fever is a symptom of disease. I never got any answers for even a single questions about symptoms. That induced me to find out real truth of fever.             I can eliminate fever definition, diagnose and treatment. If you discard this discovery it would be a injustice to the mankind.
After scientific studies for a long time, we have developed a theory, which can explain all queries related with fever. We have developed 6000 affirmative cross checking questions. It considers the messages from our body, matching with the laws of heat and the facts of physics . The real science of fever can be termed as the “Physics of fever”