Tuesday, 16 June 2015


Hitherto the Aim and target for rise of temperature in the case of fever has been subject to innumerable research works by lots of medical universities of international repute. But unfortunately the Aim and target for rise of temperature has not been found. Medical opinion is unanimous on one point i e rise in body temperature is what is known as fever though depending upon the nature of fever many technical names are given for the medical condition like Dengue fever,H1N1, etc. Modern medical scientists have concluded that the Aim and target  for rise of temperature couldn't be found.
Fever is not a disease as such. The rise in temperature associated with fever is only a signal of the deceased bodily conditions. I have spent considerable amount of time and energy to find out the Aim and target for rise of temperature in the case of fever. My research points to one cardinal aspect namely the rise of temperature associated with fever in the body is intended to protect the body as well as the deceased organs from getting further damaged.
It is well-known that heat is applied on the body to facilitate speedier blood circulation resulting in curing of ailments. Application of heat on the body results in better blood circulation. Application of heat on the deceased segment of the body would result in enhancement of blood circulation in that area reducing the inflammatory condition to a considerable extent.
Heat associated with fever no doubt is intended to protect the body and deceased organs by facilitating greater blood circulation. If that be so when a person suffers from fever what is to be done ? The modern medical system  recommends sponging with cold water and paracetamol to lower the body temperature. Is it not the opposite of what is to be done in the case of fever. Reduction of body temperature by administering paracetamol and sponging with cold water would only make the matters worse since the deceased segments of the body will not get sufficient protection consequent upon reduction of blood circulation. Viewed from this perspective, administering paracetamol or sponging with cold water or any other method of that nature would be counter-productive and anti-health.
Experience gained by me for more than 26 years treating persons with fever would go to show that administering heat would result in health benefits for the patient concerned resulting in reduction of body temperature. Heat could be administered in many ways. One of the best ways of applying heat is by hot sandbag for 15 to 25 minutes depending upon the rise in body temperature. Apart from that scientific approach is necessary to treat fever. There are many myths surrounding the lifestyle and practices to be adopted while a person is suffering from fever. Simple lifestyle changes and practices would be necessary to treat fever. Apart from application of hot sandbag, the patient should lie down covering his body in its entirety to preserve the heat, drink sufficient hot water to which ginger, pepper etc could be beneficially added. Steaming is also to be done to preserve the essential heat within the body frame. Small quantity of alcoholic beverages could also be consumed to enhance blood circulation and preservation of heat. It is also not advisable to take rest in air-conditioned surroundings. Usage of fan is to be avoided completely. This is because air conditioners as well as fans would drain away the essential heat from the body making the curing process difficult and time-consuming increasing the inflammatory conditions.
The heat within the body during the course of fever is to be preserved to cure the deceased segments of the body. The heat within the body is not to be reduced by applying sponging with cold water or any other similar method.
In short when a person suffers from fever heat must be supplemented to his body. Placing vessel containing hot water in hot water would only help preserving the heat in the hot water in the vessel. Likewise the rise in temperature during the course of fever and the heat associated thereby is intended to preserve the life and protect the body as well as the deceased segments of the body.  Any effort to take away heat from the body would be counter-productive and could lead to catastrophic results.
Following the treatment procedure suggested hereinabove nobody has died, suffered any loss of consciousness or fits. But on the contrary, the patients felt better and return to normalcy within the shortest span of time.

   Yacob Gurukkal                                                                                                        Marma Health Centre,                                                                                           kalyani Towers,Deshabhimani JN,                                                                        P.O.Kaloor,          Ernakulam (Dt), Pincode-682017                                                   Mob: 9847094788 .                                                                   www.marmatreatment.com, E.mail: yacob@marmatreatment.com                   www. Face book.com/yacobkm or yacob Mathai or yacob gurukkal

Sunday, 17 May 2015

The cause of shivering is due to difference of higher body heat moves to lower heat of atmosphere?

The cause of fever shivering is due to difference of higher body heat moves to lower heat of atmosphere?
Some Physicians say that the cause of  shivering of body in fever is due to the difference in between the body temperature and atmospheric temperature:-higher body heat moves to lower heat of atmosphere. This is not true. If higher heat moves to lower temperature body do not shiver.                   1.when the atmospheric temperature in Kerala is 25 degree, the normal body temperature of a person would be 37 degree. Even in the absence of  fever the body temperature of a person is being expelled to atmosphere. Even when the atmospheric temperature is 42 degree, when fever is increased the body would shiver.
2. If the shivering of fever is due to the difference in between the body temperature and atmospheric temperature, if we decrease the body temperature to normal body temperature (37 degree) by applying cold on the body it should not shiver. But at this time the shivering would increase. Anyone can test this method.
3.During fever if we drink cold water or  eating a good volume of ice cream we would shiver.  Anyone can try this method. The water or ice cream  inside our stomach doesn’t have a  direct relationship with the atmospheric temperature  also. The decrease of essential heat to maintain life is the cause of shivering. It is evident that the cause of fever shivering is not due to difference of higher body heat moves to lower heat of atmosphere.
4. The cold water or the hot water of stomach has no direct relationship with atmosphere. If one drinks cold water he starts shivering and if he drinks hot water he is not shivering. Cold water reduces essential temperature of the body.
5.If one drink hot water the cumulative heat of the body increases, the cause of  shivering is due to difference of higher body heat moves to lower heat of atmosphere, why not  shivering increase ?. That means shivering is not due to difference of higher body heat moves to lower heat of atmosphere.
6. If the shivering of fever is due to the difference in between the body temperature and atmospheric temperature, then during fever if we apply heat to the body according to the intensity of the heat applied to the body the shivering of the body should increase.
7. During fever if one is applying heat to the body with a hot water bag or hot sand bag, the cumulative heat of the body increases but not shiver.  The intensity of shivering is diminished according to the level of heat supplied. Anybody can experience this method. That means shivering is not due to difference of higher body heat moves to lower heat of atmosphere. If the shivering of fever is due to the difference in between the body temperature and atmospheric temperature, then if we  apply heat to the body while fever according to intensity of the heat applied the shivering of the body would not  decrease.
8.When the atmospheric temperature is 42 degree, if a fever patient drink cold water he would shiver. During fever the body temperature is 40 degree. When we drink cold water the essential temperature inside our body decreases. As the atmospheric temperature is 42 degree no heat is lost from the human body. When the body temperature decreases we shouldn’t actually shiver. But at this time our body shivering increases. Anyone can try this method. Allopathy physicians state that the reason for the person to shiver at high atmospheric temperature is that the difference in between the body temperature and atmospheric temperature, it is proved that the statement is wrong. If the heat of fever has been made as a protection to prevent loss of the body heat, when that essential heat is lost shivering is necessary to sustain life.
9.When we have temperature increase, reduce temperature to a normal level by sponging with water, so that one would not shiver. When the body affected by heat stroke or have burned our body temperature of the body is increased, then we give cold water and a breeze of a fan to bring him back to normal body temperature. He never shivers because of temperature difference. Just like we pour cold water to a radiator of vehicle, cold water reduces temperature of the radiator.In this situation the person shows an affection towards cold, cold water, breeze of  fan, etc.During Fever if we drink cold water we will shiver. But the fever patient starts to shiver in his normal body temperature itself. If ice cream is given shivering would increase. Anybody can experience this method. It is evident that the cause of fever shivering is not due to difference of higher body heat moves to lower heat of atmosphere. The increased heat of fever is a protection for the body also.
10.When we pour cold water to the radiator of a vehicle to cool it down,  just like that cold water decreases the essential body temperature and shivering is occurred as in fever.
11.people with difference in their age have the same body temperatures but they shiver at different temperatures.  If we select 50 persons having same normal body temperature and put them in a same low atmosphere (less than 15 0C).  We can see that everybody has not started to shiver some people have the capacity of producing heat without shivering. If one is applying heat to the body with a hot water bag or hot sand bag, the cumulative heat of the body increases but not shiver. In low atmosphere decreasing of body temperature is the cause of shivering. It is evident that the cause of fever shivering is not due to difference of higher body heat moves to lower heat of atmosphere.

12.Normally body temperature  is 37 0C and atmospheric temperature is 33  0C in kerala. During fever, body temperature increase to 40 0C and body starts shivering , even with the difference in temperature is just 7 0C .But without fever body may start shivering only if the atmospheric temperature is going below 17  0C, at temperature difference of  20 0C .So during fever just a 7 0C  difference in temperature causes shivering ,but without fever more than 20 0C required to shiver. This again proves that  the difference in between the body temperature and atmospheric temperature never cause shivering during fever.  
13.As we are aware, when we give glucose through drip (I V fluids), sometimes body shivers. To stop shivering, either we have to reduce the rate of flow of glucose or the body has to be covered with a blanket.                                                                                                14. constant shivering can seen in temperature decreasing hypothermia <35 .0="" nbsp="" o:p="">

15.In most of the (European) cold countries the atmospheric temperature is less than body temperature of the human beings living there. So they popularly believes that higher body temperature  is the reason for shivering.                                                                                                 Even in this 21st century the modern science is not aware of the role of temperature of fever in our body. They are the people who say that shivering is due to the difference in between the body temperature and atmospheric temperature.
 Most of the physicians do not know the reason of fever shivering. They seemed temperature  is increased during fever. So they framed a Speculative theory and on the base of this doing all fever treatments.

In Fever, Is the body temperature set over the body’s thermoregulatory set-point?

In Fever,  Is the body temperature set over the body’s thermoregulatory set-point?
In medical books  it is said that The hypothalamus in the brain have a heat regulating  thermostat.  In fever condition heat regulating  thermostat is set in  higher  temperature .The  set temperature is more than body temperature.  so they say that the body shivers to reach the new higher  set temperature. The goal of the body is to reach that new set point temperature. Most of the people believes that fever is a symptom. Hypothalamus never increase the level of a symptom.

There are contradictory opinions among the modern physicians .The physicians  says that when a person suffers from fever the hypothalamus in the brain becomes warm and it  misunderstand that the body is getting cooled down. As a result the small blood vessels in the deeper areas of the body shrinks and the blood withdraws; and that is the reasons for feeling very coolness and shivers when fever starts. It is also said that the shrinking of blood vessels is due to against the actions of body mechanism and the poisons produced by the germs.
the modern physicians make a contradictory hypothesis by using their speculations and beliefs and give it the name modern science and they mislead the people, if they are not misleading the people they might be able answer the following questions.
1.How did you understand the body’s thermoregulatory set-point is higher ?
2.How could others understand this?
3.Is there any mechanical device to detect this?
4.At what range is the thermoregulatory set-point fixed?                                                        5.What are the Aim, Target, Purpose of  heat regulating  thermostat set in  higher  temperature?                                                                                                                                          6.In which science is it said that hypothalamus increase the level of a symptom?.

Is the regulatory set point only for  temperature?
Temperature, digestion ,hunger,the taste for the food,immunity power,energy, expansion, all these actions and symptoms are already a part of the body and its controllings are done by the brain.
when fever is increased actions and symptoms like Digestion ,hunger,the taste for the food,immunity power,energy, expansion,... no phycisians says  that all these regulatory set point are increased or decreased. We feel and see that the level of all these are decreased .Incresing  regulatory set point means  increase of  digestion ,hunger,the taste for the food,immunity power,energy, expansion,etc and vice versa

During fever, after consuming paracetamol if you drink ice water or cool drinks you will shiver.  If paracetamol is the medicine to remove misunderstanding  of hypothalamus one should not shiver.

During  fever,  after consuming paracetamol, if he  is exposed to cool breeze from a fan, he will start  shivering .  If paracetamol is the medicine to remove misunderstanding  of hypothalamus one should not shiver.
Here, no need to give paracetamol to correct the `misunderstanding`  of  hypothalamus. But we can stop the shivering of the person by just switching off the fan.

modern physicians make a contradictory hypothesis by using their speculations and beliefs and give it the name modern science and they mislead the people, if they are not misleading the people they might be able answer the following questions.
1. How did you understand the paracetamol remove misunderstanding  of hypothalamus ?
2. How could others understand this?
3.Is there any mechanical device to detect this?
4.At what range is the misunderstanding  of hypothalamus removed?
5.what are the parameters to evaluate that  paracetamol is a medicine to remove misunderstanding  of hypothalamus?
6.During fever, after consuming paracetamol if you drink ice water or cool drinks you will shiver. Is the  paracetamol a medicine to remove misunderstanding  of hypothalamus, will one shiver?

7.During  fever,  after consuming paracetamol, if he  is exposed to cool breeze from a fan, he will start  shivering . Is the  paracetamol a medicine to remove misunderstanding  of hypothalamus, will one shiver?
8.is the person responsible for fever death who treats fever patients based on  misunderstanding  of hypothalamus?

Does the same action for temperature(heat) decreasing Hypothermia and temperature increasing fever?

Does the same action for  temperature(heat) decreasing  Hypothermia and temperature increasing fever?
we can see all the actions and symptoms of hypothermia in fever.
In hypo thermia actions and symptoms like Digestion , hunger, the taste for the food, immunity power, energy, expansion,..etc decreased as same as in fever, and   to sustain life  Blood flow is increased to the vital organs of the body including the heart, lungs, kidney, and brain.  at the same time the blood flow  decreases to the least important organs of the body as same as  in fever.
even if the temperature of fever is decreased no increase  is occurred  in the actions and symptoms like Digestion ,hunger, the taste for the food, immunity power, energy, expansion,..etc.
and Blood flow is decreased to the vital organs of the body including the heart, lungs, kidney, and brain.  at the same time the blood flow  increases to the least important organs of the body as same as  in fever.
There is no  the same result  and actions for  basically two opposite   matters.

 In which science is it said two things with entirely different base create same action and result?